About Company

Company History

"Izoling-Akam" is composed of people with over 30 years of experience in the market of municipal wastes disposal as well as wide expertise in business. The company's foundations are built on the synergy between the worlds of science and business.

Shareholders bring many years of experience and reputation in the international market. They guarantee reliability and professionalism in execution of contracts and agreements.

The passion and commitment of the partners is build up on giant opportunities both technological and business of the waste disposal market. The partners' belief strengthened by years of experience and research has led to cooperation under the name of "Izoling-Akam". Our collective dedication and hard work have given life to the company that is in a position to implement modern and unique solutions on a global scale. Technologies are secured by a number of patents held by the company.

A number of scientific publications and international diplomas and prizes granted to our company are among our achievements.

Our Activities

We provide full-range of services required for application of Izoling biomass, from ground works to application and maintenance of the applied soil. We also provide consultation, scientific and research services required for analysis of the degraded ground and other zones where Izoling artificial soil potentially can be applied, as well as the assistance required to communal waste recycling sites in order to be able to produce materials required for Izoling production.

  • Communal waste recycling

  • Manufacturing of IZOLING® mass

  • Reclaiming and re-cultivation of dead ground areas

  • Ground works

  • Planting trees, shrubs and plants accumulating toxic metals

  • Reclamation of sludge by a phytoremediation process

  • Construction and sealing of water reservoirs

Research Works

  • IZOLING® Technology – Joint research conducted by the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice, Polish Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Fundamentals of Environmental Engineering in Zabrze

  • In 2006, the Izoling technology has been applied for re-cultivation of the post-mining area of 5ha in Czeladz, Poland

Completed Projects

  • Project planning for implementation of IZOLING® technology at the municipalities with population over 90,000

  • Testing of soil for reclamation by using the IZOLING® technology

  • Arrangements for ground reclamation projects

Izoling-Akam can offer consultancy related to the:

  • Implementation of Izoling technology

  • Biological treatment (including composting and anaerobic digestion)

  • Mechanical and biological treatment of mixed municipal waste

  • Modern sorting plant for waste

  • Selective collection of municipal waste

  • Refuse derived fuel

  • Waste recycling

  • Other problems related to waste management

  • Advice on the selection of the best technology

  • Assistance in organizing technical trips

IZOLING mass for covering municipal waste

In the so-called “ballast"; going to the landfill from the municipal waste sorting installation there is still about 85% of the fraction that can be used as a raw material for the production of the IZOLING mass. read more

W tzw. "balaście" trafiającym na składowisko z instalacji sortowania odpadów komunalnych znajduje się jeszcze około 85% frakcji możliwej do wykorzystania jako surowiec do produkcji masy IZOLING. W skład tej frakcji wchodzi: papier, tektura, tekstylia, tworzywa sztuczne i organika. Największą zaletą technologii IZOLING jest to, że materiał, który trafiał na składowisko jako odpad jest podstawowym składnikiem masy.

Biological activation of the pulp produced from waste fibrous materials

transported to the area deprived of the fertile soil layer. This layer is spread out and seeded with plant seeds.read more

Na teren pozbawiony warstwy rodnej ziemi, zostaje nawieziona warstwa IZOLINGU z odpowiednim doposażeniem. Warstwa ta zostaje rozgarnięta unasienniona nasionami roślin. Tereny pochyłe o dużym nachyleniu takie jak hałdy skarpy przy drogach, są narażone za wypłukiwanie górnej warstwy ziemi. Obserwowane ostatnio nie tylko w Europie ale tez na innych kontynentach anomalia pogodowe - m.in. znaczne opady atmosferyczne czy też susze powodują w jednym wypadku wypłukiwanie warstwy rodnej w drugim erozję gleby. Czynniki te powodują deficyt tego "surowca". Tereny pustynne znacznie się rozszerzają. Izoling może być alternatywą dla tych negatywnych skutków - przy braku opadów tworzy warstwę zapobiegającą erozji.

Reclamation of industrial areas

This method makes it possible to eliminate the most troublesome sludge, settling ponds and post-industrial marshes through the phytoremediation process. This method is the cheapest way to bring our environment to a friendly coexistence. read more

Metoda ta stwarza możliwość poprzez proces fitoremediacji likwidować najbardziej uciążliwe szlamowiska, osadniki i bagna poprzemysłowe. Metoda ta jest najtańszym środkiem aby doprowadzić środowisko nasze do przyjaznej koegzystencji. Materiał Izoling został włożony do zwykłych worków jutowych, worki zostały popakowane (i dlatego nazwa kołdry) i zaszyte, w kołdry te powtykano pocięte zrzezy trzciny i poszczególne kołdry pospinano razem mocując je do brzegu z dwóch stron, aby wiatr ich nie przesuwał. Zrzezy po 6 dniowej aklimatyzacji, zaczęły bardzo szybko rosnąć wciągając kołdrę pod powierzchnię lustra wody. Po końcowych badaniach stwierdzono że nad korzeniem ca do 12cm zostały skumulowane związki metali agresywnych i itp. szkodliwe dla zdrowia.

Biological remediation of desert, sandy and dusty substrates

The subject matter of the invention is the method of biological reclamation of desert, sandy and dusty substrates, devoid of soil, in extreme climatic conditions, especially in hot climates, including increased salinity. read more


Innovation Leader Competition


Innovation medal at the INTARG Fair

Brussels Eureka

Silver Medal

Silver Medal at Brussels Eureka competition

Recommended Technology Certificate

Awarded by the Sejm.


Award at the Recycling Technical Competition


Congratulary Letter by the Minister of Science


Diploma of the Ministry for Science and Informatization

Awarded by the Ministry for Science and Informatization

Diploma of Recognition

Recognition Diploma for Double Piston Combustion Engine project

Recognition Diploma for Double Piston Combustion Engine project, awarded by the Minister of Science and the Chairman of the Scientific Research Committee

Lepinea Competition

Award at the Lepinea innovation competition

Silver medal at 103rd International Invention Exhibition (Salon) "Concurs-Lepine" 2004, Paris, April 29-May 9, 2004

Nomination Act

Nomination in the competition for recommendable technology

Awarded by Sejm Vice-Marshal, and the Senate Vice-Marshal.


1st Place Diploma at the Cleaner and Cheaper competition

Diploma and the accompanying award were received at the Ekofol II S.A.

Brussels Eureka

Golden Medal

Golden Medal at Brussels Eureka competition